Beauty in the Abyss


How do perceptions of beauty and desirability shape one’s existence? What does it mean to be beautiful?

These questions and more are examined by performance artist Nia Farrell (“Born on the Day Before”), playwright Nissy Aya, poets Mahogany L. Browne and Diane Exavier, and vocalist and librettist Joshua Banbury. As part of a special collaboration between The New York Philharmonic and the National Black Theatre, delve deep into this exploration of identity conceived and directed by Dominique Rider.

Reading History:

  • New York Philharmonic & National Black Theatre (NYC), 2022

Conceived and directed by Dominique Rider
Text by: Diane Exavier, Nia Farrell, Nissy Aya, and Herb Jeffries
Featuring: Amara Brady, Brittany Bradford, Joshua Banbury, and members of The New York Philharmonic
Production Stage Manager: Belynda M’Baye


A hybrid evening investigating beauty and desire from National Black Theatre and the NY Philharmonic” — Adrian Dimanlig

An empty stage set up for an orchestra. Projections of the National Black Theatre and New York Philharmonic logos are on the wall.
In profile, Amara J. Brady reads from a music stand. She lifts her hand in the air to emphasize a point